Why are Delta 8 gummies so popular

Why are Delta-8 gummies so popular?

So, you’re curious about Delta-8 THC and are wondering why cannabis THC gummies are becoming so popular.

Delta-8 THC gummies and other products are increasingly popular because they’re  widely available, typically more affordable than regular dispensary edibles, and you can have the gummies shipped right to your door.

What is Delta-8 THC?

Delta-8 is a similar cannabinoid to Delta-9 THC. Derived from CBD, Delta-8 THC also produces euphoria and is psychoactive like Delta-9 THC. Some customers report a more mild feeling, and others report less anxiety than it’s cousin, Delta-9 THC. But what are the other differences?

Because cannabis legalization is relatively new, there are limited studies about any of the cannabinoids. For instance, some studies show that Delta-9 THC may decrease feelings of anxiety, while other studies point to a potential increase in anxiety. So what can we do?

In order to really find out if Delta-8 THC is right for you, it may take some experimentation. First, do not use any cannabis products unless under the supervision of your doctor or a medical professional.

So, if you’re ready to get started to find out if Delta-8 THC is right for you, here are a few helpful tips:

Start low, go slow

This is a mantra to remember. Since everyone reacts to cannabis differently, it’s impotant to take a super small dose the first time, then wait a few hours and see how you feel. In the case of THC gummies, it may take a full two hours to kick in and take effect, so make sure you start with a small enough dose and ride it out so you don’t accidentally take too much.

Another thing to remember is that THC can effect everyone differently based on a number of factors. And, day to day, the effects may be different for you, too.

I remember the first time I inhaled cannabis. I took too much, my heart rate spiked, and I got super sweaty., I would come to find out later that this is normal, and as your body works to break down the THC in your system, you may experience unwanted effects. That’s why it’s even more important to start with a very small amount and see how it affects you. Then, the next time, you can increase the dose, as long as it’s OK with your doctor.

Keep a cannabis dosage journal

Keeping a journal is another good way to keep track of a minimum viable dose for you. Here’s an example of what to list, to get you started.

Cannabis Dosage Journal Components:

  • Date, time, place
  • How much did you take?
  • What form? (Smoking, edibles, vape, topicals)
  • What did you feel at these points – 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 430 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 min, 2 hrs
  • What do you recommend for next time?

Delta-8 THC gummies are convenient and portable, and can be enjoyable for some people. They may even help with some symptoms if you’re experimenting for medical use. However, these products are still being studied and may even interact with some medications, so make sure you consult with your doctor and understand the risks before taking any kinds of cannabis.

Make sure you don’t drive or operate heavy machinery when taking any kind of cannabis! It’s also not legal to transport in all states, so never take cannabis out of the state or have it near you while driving. Check your state and local laws to make sure you know your legalization status.

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